
Historic Temples

Coordinates: 37.973702, 23.718991

Church of Agia Marina

Agia Marina is situated on the hill of the Nymphs near the Observatory, at the district of Thission. On its southeastern corner they have incorporated the much older initial church, which was a cave and today is the baptistery.

The initial church dates from the beginning of the 13th century and was probably erected at a location where there was an ancient water cistern. It was carved on the rock and had a dome that was added later. At its interior the rock was covered by wall paintings that were discovered in six successive layers and date from the 13th, the 17th and the 18th century. The older ones, of the 13th century, have been preserved on the northern wall and until the middle of the sanctuary’s arch, where the Virgin holding baby Christ is depicted, on a throne, surrounded by angels and hierarchs. The angel on the right is preserved in a good condition, and the same is true with Basil the Great on the southern side, which stands out for this expressiveness and the excellent decoration of his clothes. Very work out wall-paintings are preserved from the beginning of the 17th century, among them one depiction of Mark the Evangelist, work by the Athenian artist Dimitriou. On the eastern side the Altar is preserved.   

The later church was constructed in the period 1924-1927 according to the plans of the architect Achilleas Georgiadis and is an inscribed cross in-square church with a large central dome and four smaller ones on the corners. Wall paintings decorate its interior, the work of well-known artists, which are a rare example of European influence in Greece, while there is also an impressive screen, designed by the architect Georgios Nomikos. At a specially shaped are in its interior there fragments from the wall paintings of the old church are on display, as well as relics and icons from the period between the 13th and 18th century. The church celebrates on July 17th.

Church of Saint Marina at Thission

A true jewel,  built on the impressive and splendid landscape on Nymfon hill, the church of Saint Marina of Thission, is without a doubt one of the  most beautiful churches of the historical centre of Athens.

In the past, it constituted a place of prayer of pregnant women, for them to have a safe and painless labour as well as of the mothers for the health of their children, since Saint Marina is regarded also as protector of children. The present church is dated from 1926, when also its inauguration took place. The construction works lasted for five years. The original designs were drafted by Ernest Ziller, and yet eventually the church was built on the basis of the designs of the architect Achilleas Georgiadis.

The church of Saint Marina belongs to the type of the inscribed cruciform church with a large dome, which hovers at the centre as also four smaller domes at the corner compartments.

In the 1930s the particularly aesthetically appealing wood-carved iconostasis of the central church was constructed, crafted by Georgios Nomikos, while the icon paintings are the work of the icon painters Grekos and the Soutsos brothers.

At the south-eastern corner of the church a cavernous small church is preserved. It is an old Byzantine chapel, dedicated also to Saint Marina, which today is used as a baptistery. The chapel most probably was built between the 11th and the 12th century. To a great length, as wall serves the natural rock, whose surfaces initially were smoothened with coatings and later were crafted with religious icon paintings.

Archaeological works found five layers of coatings and murals were revealed of the 13th, the 17th as well as the 18th of century. Several of them suffered  severe damage, while others were detached from the wall and now are on exhibit at the northern part of the central church. These are murals of Saint Anthony, Prophet Elias and John the Baptist.

Icons of the 13th century grace the arch of the Holy Bema as well as its southern part. On the conch of the Holy Bema one observes the Platytera of the Heavens, as Virgin and Child, enthroned, framed by angels and hierarchs. The right angel is depicted ‘in veneration’ and with imperial dress. At the southern side Saint Basil the Great is depicted whole-bodied. One is impressed by the expressiveness of his eyes and the rendition of his face. The rich decoration of his archpriestly vestments also stands out.

In the nave we come across murals of the 17th century, which, unfortunately, are not preserved in a good condition. The Nativity is depicted at the east and at the west the Crucifixion. At the southern side stands out the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and the Baptism, where the Jordan river is depicted personified, while at the northern side is depicted the Transfiguration and the Pentecost. At the south-western pendentive there is the evangelist Marcus, with a short text: ‘SOFO {E…MA} ZOGRAFOU CHER DEMETRIS ATHEN O GRAPSAS’ [WITH WISE {illegible}…. THE HAND OF THE PAINTER DIMITRIS OF ATHENS WAS WHICH PAINTED].

Especially interesting is the fact at the site where the older church had been erected there had been a water tank during antiquity. In fact, it was discovered that the floor of the church has a slight gradient from the periphery to the centre. At the centre was revealed the orifice via which the water was drawn.



13th & 20th century


17th July

Holy Metropolis: 
Archdiocese of Athens

Under the Supervision of: 
Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens

Agias Marinas 1, Thiseio 11851

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